Designated Safeguarding Lead Online Refresher Training
This Zoom course is suitable to refresh your DSL training every 2 years for you and your safeguarding team.
This course is fully up to date with:
- Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024, as published by the DfE on 1 September 2023
- Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023, as published by the DfE in December 2023 (updated Feb 2024)
Course length: 4 hours
Suitable for: DSLs and deputy DSLs, as refresher training
In 4 hours, this course recaps all the core aspects of the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) role, as defined in statutory guidance. You'll update your knowledge of the latest requirements and best practice in safeguarding children and draw on the experience of other DSLs and safeguarding experts to develop your practice.
- Session 1: What’s New / Update on Safeguarding Practice
- Session 2: Understand best practice across all your key DSL duties, as set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education / Working Together to Safeguard Children
- Session 3: Role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
- Session 4: Information Sharing / Confidentiality & Consent
By the end of this course, you will:
- Understand best practice across all your key DSL duties, as set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education
- Be clear on the law and latest statutory guidance on safeguarding and child protection.
- Know how to recognise different types of abuse and respond to a concern or incident.
- Be confident in 'making the call' on whether to refer and how to make that decision.
- Know how and when to share data, confidentiality, information sharing and consent and how to use it proactively to safeguard children